...known such sundays

three states 900 miles from each other in a week and a half -
and somewhere -in one of them- i caught the flu.

i'm laid up right now fxcked up, drugged up, watching tv and working on these 45 pages due wednesday.
i have two pages so far.
shxt is real.

KT wasn't lying when he wrote: pledging is life, pledging is forever!
life is hazing us everyday!


given the circumstance, the weekend wasn't bad at all.
i touched down in fort lauderdale friday - hit a few shots before the first event
and greeted many of the friends i made between 2002-2005 and shared a few laughs, hugs, wiped a few tears from their eyes and went into the church.

that night while eating with the family - i recognized a few signs of flu
so i took about 5 advils to break the fever & then fixed two big ass cups of amsterdam gin and grapefruit juice and hoped something would work.

praise god, it worked.

saturday was awful.
aside from the folks falling out, fainting, and realizing i'd never see a good friend ever again in this life, the flu brought it's ugly ass back and even strong, so i took 4 different drugs and this time some pearl vodka. things got better after 6 hours...

then much better after 8 when i found myself kicking it with the cheerleader of my dreams who seemed to only date the head of football teams.
and the flu and all the symptoms seemed to disappear when we aligned our smiles and laughed at the costumes walking by - wondering what we'd turn into at sunrise.

what would we be?

so like otis redding sang: i've got dreams to remember.
my dreams. great dreams.

fot lauderdale @ sunset


i was having a conversation with my bruh, @pnoty (i think it was him) about having funeral plans and death plans written out. i update mine every year. shxt changes. everyone doesnt want to remembered in a church - or maybe not even a funeral. what should we be dressed in, who should sing what? things like that.

i keep them in a book i write my thoughts in.
just in case.


and now it's 11:47pm and i want to sleep soon.
i have a 45 pages - and outline - and plans to get together to shoot a film this thursday
& the flu
can i sleep?
god save me.


and i have to consider going to class tomorrow.
i missed last week and we have work due!!!



pray for me folks.
and i will do the same for you.


Mrs. Neco

Another Song to add to my Ipod touch!!!!! I got dreams to remember!!!!!
Followed wit Juicy...classic D!
Amen my brotha!!!!


at first i thought "planning my own funeral" was strange. but i realize...its not...you dont know when yours is gonna be so why not be ready? hmmm. i just never wrote mine down.
but anyway, i love your blog! keep writing sir! :)


Loves the Otis. I'm glad you had good times during your travels & I hope you kick that flu's ass the way it's trying to kick yours. Hold on Benny, prayers are a-comin. *Hugs* Fell better...

Johnny Blackburn

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