daylight saving me
i consciously gave up poetry today
i refused to write
after my turkey bacon i wiped ten lines of poetry from my chin and sucked a metaphor or two from my fingers
the butter from the flaky biscuits and grease from the bacon was just that good
i refused to acknowledge it as anything other than grease
because i promised i'd save the next poem for you
hang it on your wall
stick it behind a magnet and post it to your refrigerator
you can even carry it tightly in your panty liner
just take it and love it hard
mars ain't the kind of place to chill on stoops
besides there are none
don't save me no poetry
this daylight shouldn't have been saved
we were fine believing there wasn't enough time to love one another before the sun came
this extra hour is proving inconvenient
but i'll love you anyway
just slower
i felt too righteous today and was scared to write anything but my name on a signature line
they'd misunderstand me and sequal the bible and i'm not ready
and i don't need nobody writing about me and my misfortunes
and equally i want no one using my struggle as a guide for their own
so i didn't write you all day out of fear
i've only given up poetry in protest and out of love
i'm protesting something right now
or at least at the end of this one
i don't want to be anybody but we
you me
anybody but we
and in spite of my me being slightly off balance
i'ma love you anyway
just like yesterday 1968
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