de first ting smokin' : poem three

30 poems in 30 days
day 3: april 9, 2010
(photography by kwesi abbensetts)

de first ting smokin'

we be on de first ting smokin'
or de second

ain't no waters like concrete unless you hit it on the way down they say
but this life ain't outta my reach yet
those tires ain't magic and we can't hop on seas
tickle fish feet with our toes and swallow watermelon seeds when we reach the other side
whatever is there
they grow watermelon on the other side won't they

we be on de first ting smokin'
or de second

she tell de boy
take me to the waters and remind me why we can't really leave
undress me and tell me why i packed in vain

he reply
we just ride
you pull de watermelon seeds out my bag and eat

and when they can they'll build themselves a sun
a moon much later
and sew together the handmedown lullabies and old britches

me don't wan live like here

first they gotta hop on the first thing smoking


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